042 : 006 FYF (full day) (Copy)
When we post an FYF it is only part of the story. Usually, the difficulty comes from what was done the week before but also, specifically, what happened the morning of. Our Friday mornings can often be just as demanding if not more of what we do later that evening. It is a good gut check. For posterity purposes, I’m posting both sessions so that you can have some insight into what it’s like to train here.
Friday AM
3x10m of each:
Alt kick + SLDL + Lunge
Dynamic lunge
Bear Crawl
30-sec rebounding between
2x5 Hip CARs
PAIL/RAIL Int Rot. Hip.
Cash-in: 100cal machine
5 rounds of:
10x Hang Clean and Press with 85lb fat bar
10x Lunges (rack on back)
10m Overhead carry
10x Burpees
add 2x reps each round to each movement (carry stays the same)
Cash-out 100x wallballs (light)
Sam: 27’30”
TMB: 28’44”
Lucas: 29’33”
Friday PM
Warm: yes!
Cash in: choose one of the following
Option One
Jonestown Crawl
3 rounds
10x Deadlift @ 115% BW
25x Box Jumps @ 24”
Option Two
P1: 250m
P2: KB rack hold 2x16/24kg
3 rounds each
Option Three
Jonestown Sprint
Push Press @ 55/75#
Burpee Pull up
In teams of 3-4
1000cal for time
0-10 min cals on Bike Erg
Transition penalty is 3x Body over box @ 48”
10-20min cals on Ski Erg
Transition penalty is 3x D-Ball and body over box
20-30min Clas on Rower
Transition penalty is 3x Burpee + D-Ball and body over box
30min- until complete, cals on Assault bike
Transition penalty is 3x body over bar
Lucas, TMB, Trevor: 41’59
Devon, Sam, Ethan, Aron: 40’ 40