042 : 005 The Quest for The Hyper Trophy S5E2 (Copy)
On to the upper body. These two sessions back to back are some of the most potent that I’ve felt, specifically for the shoulders. Sam wrote the strength endurance session using a movement that I wanted to progress (single-side BB press) and I wrote the conditioning piece the next day based on how bad I already felt. The partner-assisted CAR and PAIL/RAIl are one of the only ways that I’ve found that reliably teach the foundation for FRC. It is good for both people because the person helping learns how to cue and orient the joint and the person doing the work cannot escape a real range of motion. However, it may not be feasible in which case, use whatever method you have available. We are hoping to do a video demo of this soon and I will come back here and leave a link.
25x of each: T, Ys, Airplanes
Death by Push up + Burpee ( 1x of each, then 2 of each etc…)
2x5 Prison CARs
Single arm BB Bench Press Drop set (please use a partner or two, otherwise just do something heavy for 12 reps
4-?-? (something heavy for 4 then strip 5-10lbs each time)
3-4 rounds rest between sides and between sets
30x Tricep extensions
3 rounds NFT
5x Inchworm
3x Wall Walk
20m Bear Crawl
1x 90-sec Shoulder CAR on each side
Partner PAIL RAIL Int Rotation
Partner assist Shoulder CAR max effort
30x Devil Press @ 2x 35/25s
10-1 Strictish Standing Press @ 2x35/25s DBs
20m Zombie Walk ( DBs out in front) 15/10s
20m D-Ball Bear Crawl 60/80lbs
between each set of presses
10x Wall Walk
TMB: 27’ 47”
Devon: 32’02”