042 : 007 Mobility + pump (Copy)

I can already tell there will be a lot of questions about this session, so for ease of mind, consider this a high-level training session. It is based on new training theory and requires quite a bit of anatomy and physiology to back up the intention. If it sparks curiosity and you would like more sessions like this, please drop a note and let me know. We open this session with some thoracic and shoulder mobility and neurological priming. The idea behind the “shoulder rebounding” is to try and understand where you lack control (relating timing and the ability to hold rhythm as a correlate). Where you find a discrepancy in your rhythm, you focus on it. Most people will find issues in the ranges of abduction and flexion, and extension. You will find this by strapping a band across a rig (maybe multiple bands) at shoulder height, and oscillate your arms up and down until you find a rhythm. Switch to one arm and move your body into different positions while maintaining the shoulder rebound. This is the diagnostic tool to then use PAILs/RAILs, and our constant tension techniques.


25s of each Ts, Ys, Airplanes.

5x 30 sec Banded Shoulder Rebound (front, lateral, overhead)

3 rounds NFT

1x Wall Walk + 10x Shoulder taps

20x Banded Scap pulls

Partner PAIL/RAIL in position Identified in rebounding (most chose internal rotation)

2x 90-sec Max effort thoracic CARs

rest 3 min between


50x Gorilla rows AHAP

50x Lat Pulldowns AHAP

50x Tricep Extensions

3 sets Banded Front lever till failure

1x set Oscillating eccentric single-hand lat pull down till failure


042 : 008 “Functional Bodybuilding” (Copy)


042 : 006 FYF (full day) (Copy)