042 : 004 Quest For The Hyper Trophy S5E1 (Copy)
The lesson of the week: overcooking. This is different from intentional overreaching, although it can be turned into that. I’m talking about perhaps too many “good ideas” happening inside of a week. If it hasn’t happened to you, I suggest trying this entire week day by day, knowing what it feels like, and trying to discern which aspects are worth replicating and which parts become a problem. Our combination of strength endurance days chased by capacity days with mirrored movement patterns is a cool one that I will keep exploring. But in some aspects we have kind of run off the edge with it, meaning that a lot of people were trashed enough from the first 2 days that we didn’t see them for the rest of the week. These are two separate sessions. Let’s get to the week:
Bike Cals
Step-ups (lightly weighted)
2x5 Hip CARs
PAIl/RAIl Hip Flexion and Extension
Build to heavy Bulgarian Split Squat
10-8-6-4-2 (total) AHAP (as heavy as possible)
10x back Extension Circles
3-4 rounds, rest 2-3min between
3-4 rounds
8-12 Sissy Squats
Banded Hamstring kick (as many as needed)
4x30/30 Rebounding/ 3rd world squat
4x30/30 Alt. Kick/ Lunges
2x5 Hip and Knee CARs
45min time cap
20-40-60-80-100 (then back down)
Calorie bike
20m lateral ball throw between