First Contact 0.23 Strength endurance (Legs)


50 HIGH Box Step Ups

Every 10 reps, 5 Box Jumps, at lower height

Getting things started for today’s leg day, we are going to prime the strength endurance channel by attacking the quads and glutes right away. For this, grab a box and put it at the highest height you can safely complete step-ups, however, is high enough you can’t just speed through the reps but instead you have to put more effort and attention into each step-up. After every ten reps, flip the box to a lower height that you can comfortably complete 5 box jumps safely, then return the box to the original height and continue with the step-ups. Once you have completed the 50th rep of step-ups, you don’t have to complete any more box jumps.


2x5 Hip CARs

PAIL/RAIL for Hip Internal Rotation, Flexion, and Extension

For mobility today, start off by completing the first set of Hip CARs at a more casual pace, simply feeling out your current range of motion. For the next set, be a bit more diligent in each rep, so pick a position that allows you to do this. For most, prone style hip CARs allows for the most control and as little deviation/compensation from the rest of your body parts. As stated last leg day, a high volume of lunges requires plenty of flexion and extension of the hip so it is important to strengthen/open up the end ranges of motion for both flexion and extension. Plus internal rotation tends to be the limiting factor for most peoples’ hips so it is only a benefit to spend some time working on the hips’ internal rotation. This part of the session should take quite a bit of time to complete. Think if you spend 2:30 on internal rotation and 90 seconds on each extension and flexion, that’s over 5 minutes on one leg. Though this isn’t the most glamorous part of a session, this is arguably the most important.


10-1 Ladder by 1 (10, 9, 8, 7, 6… 2, 1) of DB Lunges

30-second 3rd World Squat Hold after each set

Today, we are continuing the DB Lunge progression. The format today includes a descending ladder from 10 to 1 reps, these reps are for each side, of the DB lunge, however, after each set of the ladder you will drop the weights and immediately go into a 30-second 3rd world squat hold. Rest about 2 minutes between sets and the intent is to increase the weight of the DBs at least every other set. The flow for this portion will look like: 10 DB lunges each side + 30-second 3rd world squat hold + rest; 9 DB Lunges per side + 30-second 3rd world squat hold + rest; (increase weight) 8 DB Lunges per side + 30-second 3rd world squat hold + rest; 7 DB Lunges per side + 30-second 3rd world squat hold + rest; (increase weight) 6 DB Lunges per side + 30-second 3rd world squat hold + rest;  5 DB Lunges per side + 30-second 3rd world squat hold + rest; (increase weight) 4 DB Lunges per side + 30-second 3rd world squat hold + rest; and so on following this trend until you’ve completed the set of 1 DB Lunge per side + 3rd world squat hold.


Accumulate 5 minutes of a Wall Sit

Every time you need to break, complete 5 Air Squats

Topping off this session is a straightforward, yet challenging, finisher. The goal is simple, complete 5 total minutes of a wall sit. However, any time you need to stop wall sitting, you will complete 5 air squats, and then resume the wall sit. For example, this could happen as so: 1:30 wall sit into 5 air squats; 1:15 wall sit into 5 air squats; 1:00 wall sit + 5 air squats; :45 wall sit + 5 air squats; :30 wall sit to round out the 5 total minutes. Quads will be rather toasty by the end of this.


First Contact 0.22 strength endurance (upper)


First Contact 0.24 capacity