First Contact 0.22 strength endurance (upper)



Calories on RowERG or SkiERG


10 Total Renegade Rows between Machine Rounds, 5 reps per side

By now, you’ve seen a variety of PreFatigue pieces. Each have their own flavor, whether they are more dynamic in nature, more capacity oriented, or they send a light strength endurance signal. For this session, we’re revisiting starting off with a capacity PreFatigue. As mentioned in other sessions, with a capacity oriented PreFatigue, the key to remember is that this is simply a warmup for what’s to come. More times than not, people will take this a bit too far, in regards to pace/effort, and, in doing so, limit their capabilities later on in the session instead of simply enhancing the sensation we are going for in muscular endurance. With that in mind, consider your pace you would hold to comfortably complete 40 calories on either RowERG or SkiERG without much deviation throughout that timeframe, and use that pace for each round on the machine you choose. The flow of this PreFatigue will look as such: 10 calories + 10 total renegade rows; 20 calories + 10 renegade rows; 30 calories + 10 renegade rows; and, finally, 40 calories.

The weight for the Renegade Rows also should not be too challenging. We are simply using this movement to prime the back and the pulling motion, so pick a set of DBs that are easy to complete 10 reps (5 on each side) unbroken.


2 sets of 1 90-second Shoulder CAR per side

In between sets, Shoulder Internal Rotation PAIL/RAIL

For your Shoulder CARs today, instead of just completing reps to complete reps, we are going to increase the significance of each rep by drastically slowing down the rep time. Because of this, one rep in the 90-second time domain will feel like 5+ CARs. For the flow of today’s mobility, you will complete one 90-second Shoulder CAR on each side, taking 45-55 seconds to move your shoulder through external rotation into internal rotation, and then taking the remainder time going from internal rotation to external rotation. After you’ve completed one of these extended reps on each side, go ahead and complete a set of PAIL/RAIL for internal rotation of the shoulder on each shoulder, before, again, completing a 90-second Shoulder CAR on each side.


4 Rounds:

8-12 HEAVY Cabled Lat Pull Downs


15 Supine Supinated Raise (Super Press)

For the meat of today’s session we have something more reminiscent of a traditional bodybuilding session. If you’re familiar, traditional bodybuilding sessions are littered with 4x12 of a specific movement and sometimes “supersetted,” or coupled, with a secondary movement. In this instance, we have heavy lat pull downs plus what we call the Super Press. The rep range of 8-12 is a way to inform the player of the intended sensation to reach for each set. The weight of the Lat Pull Downs should be something that feels extremely difficult once in that 8-12 rep range. If the weight prevents you from doing 8 reps, you’ve gone too heavy, or, if you’re able to hit 12 reps with relative ease and could probably do more reps, you’ve gone too light. The sensation we’re looking for here is once you’ve reached that 8th rep, anything further is significantly difficult and by the 12th rep, if you get there, should be an almost failure rep. With all that being said, you will do 8-12 lat pull downs and immediately follow it with 15 Super Presses laying back on a bench and with two lighter DBs. The addition of the Super Press is to fatigue some of the supportive muscles utilized in the Lat Pull Downs in order to put more of a deeper effect on the lats in following rounds.

Rest at least 2 minutes between rounds and feel free to adjust weight as you go.


100s Cascade of:

Barbell Front Raise

Barbell Hi Pull

Barbell Curl

For a cascade, specifically a 100s cascade like this one, the goal is to reach 100 reps of each movement. The caveat, however, is that every time you cannot continue with one movement you have to move onto the next movement. For example, I grab a barbell and begin doing as many Front Raises as I can, in this particular case let’s say I reach 35 reps before I have to pause, because of the pause I then move onto completing as many Hi Pulls as I can. I also reach 35 reps before pausing so then I move to Barbell Curls. I complete 30 reps of curls before having to pause. At that point, I will move back to completing as many Front Raises as I can, and because of the additional work, this time I can only complete 25 before moving back to Hi Pulls. I will follow this rotating sequence until I have reached 100 reps of each movement. If you get to 100 of one movement and still have more to go on the others, keep alternating between the two movements until you’ve reached 100 of them as well. This likely does not need to be loaded any more than the barbell’s weight without any plates on it.

Attempt to complete this without putting the barbell down. However, if you must drop the barbell, keep the rest minimal, shake out your arms, and pick the barbell right up and continue with the cascade.


First Contact 0.21 capacity


First Contact 0.23 Strength endurance (Legs)