First Contact 0.24 capacity
To end this week of training, we’ll start off with some mobility. The intent here is to open up the shoulders and scap for what’s to come. Alternate between the joints each set, so 5 shoulder CARs on each side, then 5 scap CARs, and then back to the shoulders and following this sequence. There is nothing extra required here, however, make sure each rep is a quality rep and you’re properly going through the ranges of motion not just simply moving your arms and scap in haphazard circular motions.
10 minutes on a Machine of Choice (Airbike, Ski Erg, Row, etc.), Alternating between
30 seconds at a Hard Pace
30 seconds at a “Recovery” Pace
Before moving on to the workpiece, we’ll generally warm up the body and cardiovascular channel with some mono-structural machine work. You will grab a machine, preferably a Bike, of sorts since we are about to spend plenty of time on a RowERG and SkiERG in the next part, and then ride the machine for 10 minutes. Every 30 seconds you will alternate between efforts. For 30 seconds you will ride at a hard pace, which should be a pace that’s not quite a sprint but something that’s quite difficult to hold for 30 seconds. Ease the pace at the end of the 30 seconds to something that allows you to catch your breath and regain your composure before having to repeat the hard effort again at the top of the 30 seconds. It’s wise and preferable to gauge how hard you can go by feeling out the first couple of rounds and then slightly increasing speed each round. Again, not necessarily to a full sprint, but testing the limits to how hard you can sustainably go.
Double Your body weight in Calories
Split alternating between 2 minutes SkiERG + 2 minutes RowERG
Before transitioning to the RowERG complete 15 DB/KB Cleans
Before transitioning to the SkiERG complete 15 DB/KB Presses
Similarly to last week’s capacity session, we have a blend of capacity and strength endurance channels. The intent here is that the movements, the cleans and the presses, should cause significant stress on the shoulders, arms, and back, thus, affecting the pace at which you can go at on the machines. The time domain of the machines allows you to dictate a pace that allows you to obtain a fair amount of calories while also recovering from the work of the DB/KB movements. So consider during the machine work to not necessarily try to sprint and hammer a maximum of calories but to keep a sustainable pace that is not derailed too much from the strength endurance aspect. The calorie amount is a way to give you a goal to strive for. An example of this session and the flow would look as such: The player weighs 175, therefore, their goal is to reach 350 calories. They will start on the SkiERG for 2 minutes and are able to comfortably reach 35 calories. After 2 minutes, they will complete 15 cleans before moving onto the RowERG, where they are able to reach 35 calories, once again, before moving to complete 15 presses and then returning to the SkiERG. They can keep this pace throughout and need 10 total rounds, 5 on each machine, to reach their goal of 350 calories. This is simply an example and each player’s pace and total round count will vary.