First Contact 0.21 capacity
2x5 Hip, Shoulders, Spine CARs
Given that today’s session is capacity oriented, we are going to jump right into the mobility part first, and then use the warmup to flow right into the work portion. So for today, nothing extraneous for the mobility, just move through each joint (hips, shoulder, and spine) with some quality CARs, paying attention to where your body is at for the day and maybe focusing specifically on one that might stand out as needing some more care towards.
4 minutes 30/30
3rd World Squat Hold
4 minutes 30/30
Alternating Single Leg Deadlifts
To warmup for the work portion, we’ll get started with 8 minutes of some dynamic movements, utilizing the alternating 30-second format. For the first 4 minutes, you will do 30 seconds of rebounding in place, just small continuous jumps, constantly bouncing on the balls of your feet without any pause between the mini jumps. Then after 30 seconds, you will drop down into a 3rd world squat hold for 30 seconds before moving back to another 30 seconds of rebounding. This will be the sequence for the first 4 minutes, and then after that fourth 3rd world squat hold, you will transition to Alternating High Kicks in place for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of alternating single leg deadlifts. Continue this pattern for 4 minutes and then we will move into the work portion.
3 Rounds
10 Weighted Jump Squats
2 Minutes on a BikeERG/AssaultBike
2 minutes Rest in between rounds
Right into
Total amount of calories you completed in this previous part done for time on a different Machine
Every minute spent on your machine, complete 10 KB Swings
This session we will start with a piece that falls under the Interval Weight Training, IWT, sphere of Capacity training. IWT is a blend of strength endurance work and power output to send a unique Capacity signal. With IWTs, we choose a significant explosive movement, in this case weighted jump squats, that will significantly effect the power output/capacity on a mono structural movement. Rest is important in these types of sessions in order to give the player a chance to repeat their previous effort. So in this session, you will complete 3 rounds, each round starting with 10 weighted jump squats immediately into a hard 2 minutes on a BikeERG or AirBike. On the bike, you are looking to obtain as many calories as you can within the 2-minute window but you’re also trying to complete it at a pace that you can potentially replicate in the following rounds. After you’ve reached the 2-minute mark on the bike, take note of the calories you’ve obtained and rest for 2 minutes before repeating the same sequence of events. For the weighted jump squats, there’s several different implements you can use. You can either hold a DB or KB between your legs and jump or either of those implements in a goblet hold position and jump. You may also bear hug a D-Ball or Sandbag and jump while holding onto those. Whatever you have at your disposal that you can safely jump with, go for it.
After the third round, add up the total amount of calories you’ve achieved over this portion. You will then pick a different machine, whether it’s a RowERG or SkiERG, and complete the total amount of calories in that first part as fast as you can on the second machine. Every minute spent on your machine, stop and complete 10 total KB swings, before returning to your machine for another minute of work. The faster you go, the more taxing it will be on your breathing, however, will require less KB swings. The slower you go will make the machine work “easier,” however, the KB swings will start to add up rather quickly which will further slow you down on your machine. Choose wisely.