
5 Rounds

10 calories on Bike

10m Monster Walk

10m Floor Sweeps

10 Goblet Squats

Today’s session begins with a mix of capacity and dynamic work. Intent is to get blood flowing to the legs right away as well as open up the hips, hamstrings, and quads before going into the main portion of the session. Start off with 10 calories on a bike of choice, either BikeERG or an AirBike, at a moderate pace, nothing too crazy, just a pace that you at least have to pay attention to in order to hold. Then complete 10 meters of a monster walk, if you have access to them, complete with a hip band wrapped just above the knees. Then drop the band and complete 10 meters of floor sweeps, keeping that front leg locked to engage the hamstrings. Finally, grab a KB/DB, nothing too heavy, and complete 10 goblet squats. Return to your bike and restart the circuit of movements 4 more times for a total of 5 rounds.


3x5 Hip and Knee CARs

PAIL/RAIL for Hip Flexion and Extension

Once you’ve completed the PreFatigue, move into completing CARs for both the hips and knees. Starting with 5 hip CARs, each side, then alternating to 5 knee CARs each side, and then back to the hip CARs. By this point, we’ve done enough of each movement, take into consideration how these CARs are starting to feel in comparison to you first doing them several weeks ago. You should feel some sort of improvement in your ranges of motion. When you’ve completed your 3 sets of CARs for both the hip and knee, we will move into completing PAIL and RAILs for hip flexion and extension. Both of these correlate directly with the lunging we are about to complete in the work section. For reference of proper positioning for both flexion and extension, utilize the Demo Library.


4 Rounds:

DB Lunge Drop-set, Follow Explanation

The work portion today features drop sets again, which we’ve covered before but we will go over the flow here. To start, take some time to establish an appropriate weight that you can complete 8 total DB lunges with. Once you’ve found that weight, we’ll move into the first round. You will complete 8 total reps of DB lunges, 4 per side, and, after that 8th rep, you will switch your DBs for a lighter set of DBs, likely making a 4.5 kg drop for each DB, and then try to complete another 8 total lunges. Although you’ve dropped weight, the difficulty will still remain. After the 8th rep, if you’re able to complete 8 reps, again switch out the DBs for an even lighter set and again try to match the previous sets with another 8 reps. Being unable to complete 8 reps is totally ok, if not encouraged. The intent is to reach a point of muscular endurance that induces failure or gets you very near that moment.

There is no rest between the drops in weight, other than the time it takes to switch out the DBs, but make sure to rest 2-3 minutes between rounds to be able to replicate effort in the following rounds.


3 Rounds

10 Banded Hip Abductors

10 Banded Hip Adductors

40 Banded Marches

To finish today’s session, we’ll attend to the hips a bit more with some banded work. Pretty straightforward finisher, grab a band to attach to a squat rack rig, or something sturdy, and then a hip band that you might have utilized in the PreFatigue for the monster walks. Start off by completing 10 banded hip abductors on each side, so pulling the band away from both the rig and your body, and then 10 banded hip adductors, so pulling the band away from the rig but towards your body. With abductors, the band should wrap around the outside of your ankle and for adductors, the band will wrap around the inside of your ankle. After you’ve completed the abductors and adductors, wrap the hip band above your knees and complete 40 total marches in place, trying to bring your knee as high up as you can without changing the straight angle of your hips. Complete this sequencing of movements 3 total times.




First Contact 0.21 capacity