Banded Complex 3x10 each
10 meter Bear Crawl between rounds
Previous upper body session have seen plenty of pushing/pressing as the meat of the workouts, with touches of pulling involved. Today, we are going to target pull movements and look to target the back muscles, as a change of pace. To get started, we’ll go through a banded complex of 10 Band Pull Aparts, 10 Banded Hi Pulls, and 10 Banded Lateral Raises, on each side. After the lateral raises, complete a 10m bear crawl to get the shoulders moving in a more dynamic pattern and then return the band and repeat the same flow twice more for a total of 3 rounds.
3x5 Scap, Shoulder, Elbow CARs
PAIL/RAIL Internal Rotation Shoulder between 1st and 2nd set
PAIL/RAIL External Rotation Shoulder between 2nd and 3rd Set
Once complete with the PreFatigue, we’ll move into the mobility section. Start off with a set of 5 Scap CARs, 5 Shoulder CARs on each side, and then 5 Elbow CARs on each side. After the elbow CARs, move into completing a PAIL/RAIL set for internal rotation of the shoulder before moving onto the second set. In that second set, again start with 5 scap CARs, into 5 shoulder and elbow CARs on each side. Pay attention to how that second set of shoulder CARs feel in comparison to the first set, there should be a smoother feeling as you go through your shoulders’ ranges of motion. Then after that second set of CARs, complete external rotation PAIL/RAIL for the shoulder, on each side, and then complete the third set of CARs, again taking into account how the shoulder CARs feel in that third set in comparison to the previous two.
100 KB Gorilla Rows
Every Break, 20m Farmers Carry
The meat of this session will be to complete 100 KB gorilla rows. Although you will want to get this done is as few of sets as possible, the intent isn’t to be able to do 100 unbroken gorilla rows. Don’t think about the breaks as a penalty, per se, think of them more so as a way to enhance the muscular fatigue in a different way in order to maximize what we call “the pump” feeling. With that being said, the goal here is to pick a heavy enough weight for the KBs that you can complete anywhere from 20-40 reps. This is a broad range, however, anything less than 20 will cause too many breaks after the first round and anything over 40 will make you miss the intended signal. In that first set, complete as many gorilla rows as you can, alternating arms each rep, and once you have to stop or significantly slow down, consider that a break, and pick up the KBs and complete a 20m Farmers Carry. The carry will induce grip fatigue thus limiting your strength during subsequent sets meaning you will likely not complete as many reps in following rounds, again which is the goal. This portion is complete once you’ve completed 100 total Gorilla Rows, so 50 per side.
Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs
Lawnmower Rows (Total)
To wrap this session up, the finisher piece will be one round of a descending ladder of the movements listed above. Grab a band, or two, and set up them up on a pull-up/squat rack rig and start with 30 straight arm pull downs, then 30 total lawnmower rows, 15 per side, and then grab a weighted implement of sorts, either a plate or a DB, and a bench then lay down on the bench to complete 30 Lat Pull Overs. For the lat pull overs, try to get the weight as far extended passed your head as possible to really extend the lats and then pull the weight back up over you. Once complete with 30 lat pull overs, return to your band and go through the same sequence of movements but with reduced reps so 20 straight arm pull downs, 10 lawnmower rows per side, and then 20 lat pull overs. Finish this ladder with 10 reps of each movement. Utilize the movement demo library on the Space Program for reference on what these movements specifically look like.