First Contact 0.18 CAPACITY



Spine CARs

Thoracic CARs

For today’s mobility portion, we will go after some joints that we typically don’t target every session, however, are still extremely important, especially on days that will incorporate hinging and twisting. Utilize the demo library for reference on how to complete these movements. Spine CARs are reminiscent of the yoga movement Cat-Cow with much more deliberation. The goal is to try to articulate each vertebra through extension and flexion.



Calories on a Machine

In between each round, complete 10 KB Swings

This warmup is meant to be Part 1 of the work portion. Go into this not necessarily trying to burn the building down, but look to steadily increase speed throughout the ladder. The flow of this will look like this: 10 calories + 10 KB swings; 20 calories + 10 KB swings; 30 calories + 10 swings; 20 calories + 10 swings: and finally 10 calories. Use a KB weight that’s heavy enough to induce some breathing stress for when you return to your machine.


6 Rounds, For Both Time and Quality

10 D-Ball or Sandbag to Shoulder

10 Lateral Ball Throws (Medicine Ball)

10 Alternating Ball Slams (Medicine Ball)

The work portion is a 6-round circuit that will have a breathing aspect due to the warmup portion but will start to take its toll in the strength endurance sphere as the rounds continue. The work here is meant to be done with little-to-no-rest rest between rounds. Grab a D-Ball or Sandbag and a medicine ball. If you don’t have access to Deadballs or Sandbags, KB Cleans are an appropriate substitute. Each round will start with 10 Ball to shoulders, alternating which shoulder you bring your implement to each rep. After the tenth rep grab your medicine ball (can be light between 6-10lbs) and complete 10 Lateral Ball Throws. Look to get as much power as you can with each throw, driving through your rear leg initiating the throw and twisting your trunk, and releasing the ball towards the wall. Alternate sides you throw from. After the 10th rep, utilize the same medicine ball to complete 10 alternating leg ball slams, again trying to generate a lot of power through your trunk into your shoulders to slam the ball to the ground. Be aware of how high the ball bounces back to avoid taking a ball to the face.

Though the intent is to be fast-paced, make sure each rep is a quality rep, especially since plenty of hinging and twisting are involved.


