2-20 Ladder by 2s (2, 4, 6…20) of
1-10 Ladder by 1s (1, 2, 3…10) of
The PreFatigue piece today includes a double ladder performed in conjunction with one another, sending plenty of blood flow to the legs right away. The flow here will be 2 total step-ups right into 1 box jump; 4 total step-ups into 2 box jumps; 6 total step-ups into 3 box jumps; 8 total step-ups into 4 box jumps; and so on until you’ve completed the round of 20 total step-ups and 10 box jumps. No rest here, keep the movement nonstop and power through the acidity that builds up.
3x5 Hip CARs
PAIL/RAIL Internal Rotation for the Hip
After the PreFatigue, move right into the mobility portion, completing 3 sets of 5 hip CARs per side. Perform the hip CARs in whatever position you feel you can get the most quality out of each rep. Standing reps are the hardest to control and prone reps are the easiest to control. Although the standing reps are the hardest to control, the goal is to reach a point where you can complete the standing version of hip CARs with the same quality and effect as the prone variant of hip CARs.
4 Rounds:
DB Lunge Ladder
Today we are stepping away from the Hack Squat being the main movement of Leg Day sessions and are going to begin progressing with single leg strength endurance. The 10-6-4 constitutes one round and will be done without any rest. Take a warmup set to feel the flow of this and what weight will be appropriate. The flow of a round will look like this: 10 lunges on one leg followed by 10 on the other leg; right into 6 on the first leg followed by 6 on the other leg; and finally topped off with 4 reps on the first leg and 4 on the other leg. You can build in weight as you move through the rounds but you should probably settle on a weight by the end of the second round.
Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds.
3 Rounds
Banded Oscillating Hamstring Curls till Failure
Given that the work portion today was very quad-dominant, we will use the finisher to influence the supportive muscles/tissues. Attach a band to a pull-up bar rig or squat rack and place one foot into the band and lay prone. Flex your leg inward and begin pendulum swinging your leg from one end range of motion to the other. Once you lose the ability to flex as much as you can, release the flexion a bit while keeping the same band tension, so you will have to scoot further from the rig the band is attached to, and repeat the pendulum-swinging rotation again until you can’t in that angle of flexion any longer. Continue this until you’ve reached a full extension of the leg and then switch legs and repeat the same process for the other leg. Complete this 3 total times on each leg to cap off this session.
Rest time for each leg is the time spent on the other leg.