5 Rounds:
10m Zombie Walk
Today’s session will start with a warmup capacity piece directed at the upper body — primarily the shoulders. Go about the speed/intensity you desire based on how you feel physically and emotionally. Remember there is more to this session so don’t dig yourself too deep a grave. Each round will start with 10 calories on an upper body dominant machine, Ski or RowERG, however, if unavailable, feel free to use a bike, preferably an AirBike of sorts. After the ten calories, grab a light set of DBs and complete 10m of a zombie walk then grab a set of DBs at least heavier than the ones used for the zombie walk and complete 10 DB clean and presses. You can choose to increase the weight of the DBs, mainly for the Clean and Presses, or you can keep this more casual and stick with the same weight throughout. The intent is to keep moving throughout the 5 rounds without any breaks.
2x5 Shoulder CARs
1x5 Prison CARs
Because today is shoulder dominant, give them some attention with a few sets of 5 shoulder CARs per side. Nothing too crazy here but make sure they’re quality reps. Then move into a set of 5 Prison CARs. You can choose to weight these with small weight plates or you can complete these going a bit slower than you did for each Shoulder CAR rep.
3 Rounds, DB Piston Bench Press Drop Sets. Follow explanation
For the work portion, we are continuing the progression of the DB Piston Bench Press and will likely change movements next week as this has been the main movement for the past few sessions. A drop set entails that you will complete 3 sets within one round. The first set will be with the heaviest weight then the subsequent 2 sets will be done with lighter weights trying to match the reps from the first set or going to failure, whichever comes first. So in this instance with the Piston Bench Press, you will grab a set of DBs that you’re confident you can complete 16 total reps/8 per side with moderate difficulty. You will complete the 16 reps and then switch the DBs for a lighter set and try to complete another 16 reps. Either you will complete the 16 reps or fail prior due to muscle fatigue, this is fine it’s what we are going for. Then you will grab the next set of even lighter DBs and again attempt to complete 16 total reps.
Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds and complete 3 total rounds. Utilize a warm-up set of two to figure out appropriate weights.
Inchworm Pushup Ladder till Failure
To end the session, you will complete one inchworm pushup ladder till failure. The PreFatigue and work portion had quite a bit of volume so the finisher only needs to be one round. The pushup ladder flow will look as such: inchworm out and complete 1 pushup then inchworm back; on the next inchworm complete two pushups then inchworm; next inchworm you will complete three pushups then inchworm back; and you will continue this trend until you cannot complete the set of pushups unbroken. The movement here should be continuous with the intent to keep constant tension on the shoulders.