First Contact 0.13 strength endurance (upper)




10 calories on RowERG/SkiERG in between each round

Push-ups are an easy movement to track progress on as you continue racking up Upper Body sessions. For some, completing each round of push-ups unbroken is a tall task while others can get through most, if not all, of these rounds of pushups unbroken. Take note when/if the failure point kicks in and in the future when a similar piece shows up you can compare the difference. How this PreFatigue will carry out will be you starting with 3 pushups then immediately moving to your machine of choice for 10 calories then right back into 6 pushups. After 6 pushups, you will again complete another 10 calories and you will continue this trend until you have completed the set of 15 pushups. You will not need to complete 10 calories again after that set.


3x5 Shoulder CARs and Scap CARs

PAIL/RAIL Internal/External Rotation for the Shoulder

Today we introduce you to the PAIL/RAIL side of Mobility work. Up until now, you’ve been familiar with CARs. When it comes to improving Mobility, CARs are utilized to assess the current state of your range of motion. This means you’ll have a generally consistent range of motion, but it can easily vary based on the day. PAIL/RAILs are used to improve/strengthen our ranges of motion based on the assessment via the CARs. For the PAIL (Passive Angular Isometric Loading) we establish an end range of motion we can get to passively and then the end range of motion we can get to with external activation, at which we go into a deep passive stretch for about 90 seconds to 2 minutes. At the backend end of that 2 minutes, we begin ramping up pressure through our joint against the point of resistance. After we’ve reached max pressure against that point of resistance, we hold there for 10 seconds and then transition to the RAIL (Regressive Angular Isometric Loading) and we push away from the point of resistance and hold that for 10 seconds before gently lowering our hands back down. The Demo Library shows the correct positions for internal and external rotation PAIL/RAIL, and Phill can assist you on how to set up and cues.


4 Rounds:


DB Piston Bench Press, alternating Ladder


20 Banded/Cable Low Rows

We are building off last week’s progression of DB Piston Bench Press and this time a different that works well with this movement. Instead of how we did it last week with alternating sides between reps, this time you will alternate sides between sets. First, you will press both DBs up in a bench press position and then the flow of a round will be as such: 8 reps on the right side with the left side locked out into 8 reps on the left side with the right side locked on, right into 5 reps on the right, then 5 on the left, and then finally, 3 reps on both sides, one side at a time. That will constitute one round. If you can, aim to utilize into the weight you utilized last week for this movement. This is slightly more total reps than last week so it may take a round to figure out the appropriate weight for this rep range.

After you’ve completed the bench press ladder, complete 20 banded, or cabled, low rows. The intent here is to fatigue supporting muscles of the bench press movement (lats, biceps), thus increasing the tension on the primary muscles of the movement (chest, shoulders, triceps).

Rest 3 minutes between Rounds.


3 Rounds

15 Front Raises

15 Super Lifts

15 Weighted Airplanes

Minimal rest, fast-paced finisher. Grab a light pair of DBs that will allow you to complete at least a single round unbroken between the 3 movements. You will do 15 Front Raises, without dropping the DBs, right into 15 super lifts, and then, again without dropping the DBs, 15 weighted airplanes. For testing the strength side of strength endurance, go heavy enough that you can only complete one round at a time, resting 30 seconds to a minute between rounds. For testing the endurance side of strength endurance, grab a light enough DB set that you can complete 1-2 rounds unbroken with an attempt to finish 3 rounds unbroken. Either direction, be bold, and test your limits a bit.


First Contact 0.12 Capacity
