DB/KB Complex, 5 Rounds
6 Squats
6 Lunges
10m Carry
This complex can be completed in a few different ways. You can utilize this time to simply get warmed up. Pick a set of DBs that weigh enough that allow you to complete a round unbroken and that doesn’t require much rest in between rounds. Or if you want to take the warmup a little further, you can start at a lightweight and increase the weight each round until you get to something that makes you rest between every other movement. The other option would be you pick a moderate weight but try to burn through the 5 rounds as fast as you can. Evaluate where you’re at for the day and make the decision on pace/weight for yourself, whatever you choose remember, this is simply the PreFatigue.
2x5 Hip CARs
PAIL/RAIL Internal/External Rotation for the Hip
In the previous session, we introduced PAIL and RAILs and a brief general overview of their purpose and how to go about doing them. After you’ve done 10 total Hip CARs on each side, turn to complete external rotation PAIL and RAILs for your hips. If the concept still seems confusing, think about just passively stretching in the “pigeon position.” Strengthening ranges of motions take quite a bit of time and attention to make noticeable changes. However, after you complete the PAIL/RAILs on both hips, do a Hip CAR or two on each side and notice the difference.
3 Rounds:
For the meat portion, we are hyper-focusing our efforts on the DB Hack Squats. Thus meaning, since there’s no coupled movement, you are encouraged to go rather heavy for the hack squats. Something significantly heavy enough where by the 8th-10th rep you begin to wonder if you can complete the next 3-5 rounds. If you need to, take a couple of warmup sets to find the appropriate weight and then get into the 3 working rounds. We want the 3 working rounds to all be at that same heavy weight.
5 Minutes, Every Minute on the Minute, EMOM
3 Squat Jump + 30-second Third World Squat Hold
Rest 1 Minute, Then Repeat
To round out this leg session, you’ll complete an 11-minute muscular endurance piece. You’ll start a 5-minute timer, you will complete 3 Squat Jumps and then hold in the bottom of a squat position — third world squat hold — for 30 seconds. Once the 30 seconds is up rest until the next minute starts and you repeat the same 3 reps for squats and same 30-second hold afterwards. Do this for 5 total minutes, then rest for 1 minute, and repeat the same effort.