First Contact 0.12 Capacity
Dynamic Warmup
10 meters of each, 3 times through
*30 Seconds Rebounding at the end of each round
The three movements listed above eventually evolve together in our programming to become one single movement complex. So for this session, we’ll consider this a Dynamic Progression and introduce you and allow you to familiarize yourself with the individual movements within the complex so in the future we can blend them all together. Complete 3 total rounds, doing ten meters of one movement right into ten meters of the next and then ten meters of the last movement. After you’ve completed the 30 meters, rebound in place for 30 seconds and then repeat.
2x5 Shoulder CARs
2x5 Hip CARs
2x5 Knee CARs
With what’s to follow in the work portion, you are going to need both the upper and lower body ready to complete the task at hand. Take your time with these today, not necessarily doing 90-second reps each time, but making sure to maintain as much control as you can through the complete ranges of motion for each joint. Take closer to 10 minutes on this section to make sure you’ve thoroughly worked through each joint.
Bodyweight in Calories on a Bike
Then immediately go into step-ups @ 20” for half the amount of time that it took you to complete the calories
Right into
50-meter Bear Crawl
*Every 10 meters do 5 Pushups
To round out the week’s work, we have a slightly longer Capacity session. This session is going to test your lungs, and your toleration for acidity. Grab a BikeERG or an AirBike, if you don’t have any of these, you can also use a treadmill or stairclimber, even a rowing erg would work. Aim to complete your body weight in calories (in lbs).
Once you’ve completed your calorie requirement (should take 15-20 minutes), you will move to the box step-up and perform them unbroken for 50% of the time it took you to complete the calories. This means the faster you go on the bike the less time you will have to do step-ups. The final portion of the session is a 50-meter bear crawl. However, every 10 meters you will have to stop to complete 5 pushups before continuing on. Once you’ve reached 50 total meters you are done for this session!