First Contact 0.11 Strength endurance (Legs)
20x Box Step-ups
10x Box jumps
3 rounds not for time
At a warm-up pace, start the step-ups using an 18-20” box. After the first set do 10x box jumps, making sure to step down and not jump down. In the second round, feel free to add a bit of pace to the effort, or keep it as a warm-up based on how you feel. By the 3rd round, you should start feeling pretty good. Jumping is a phenomenal way to prime the legs for lifting, and we want to start introducing explosive movements into the program.
As your mobility progresses, take mental notes of how the Hip CARs felt the last time you did them, and try to notice any changes to how they feel as you go through them for this session. Complete one set of a joint then follow it with the other joint. So 1 set of 5 hip CARs on each side then a set of 5 knee CARs on each side then repeat one more time. Nothing too flashy with these, just take this time to assess your joints’ state for the day.
4 Rounds:
20 Total alternating single-leg deadlifts
Another combination movement here with the DB back squats and single leg deadlifts with the intent being not letting go of the DBs between movements. Depending on your strengths, one of these movements will be your limiting factor for weight. Whichever the limiting movement is for you, pick DB weights so that you can complete the prescribed reps with moderate difficulty. For the Hack squats, find a way to elevate your heels, whether it’s a wedge or weight plates stacked onto each other, but enough elevation to really enforce the stress on the quads. A complete round looks like, 10 DB hack squats, then step off the wedge/plates, right into 20 total alternating single-leg deadlifts. Drop the DBs and rest for 3-4 minutes before repeating 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds.
If you need to, take a couple of rounds to find the appropriate weight.
1-2 Rounds, as desired
+Seconds in a squat hold equivalent to the rep you just completed
To round off this session, we want to finish with some burn in the legs. If one round of the descending ladder isn’t enough, then you may do an extra one after a shot rest. The intent of this ladder is to be done unbroken. It’s a straightforward ladder, however, the burning sensation will come quickly. Start with 10 air squats then hold in the bottom position of the last rep for 10 seconds. Once the ten seconds are up go right into 9 air squats then a 9-second hold, followed by 8 squats + 8-second hold, 7 squats + 7 seconds… and so on until you’ve done 1 air squat + 1-second hold. A round of this on top of the work done prior should be enough, however, if you feel the urge, go ahead, rest for 1 minute, and complete the ladder a second time.