ESC : 029 FYF


5min Row or Ski Erg


8min AMRAP

2-4 Pullups (sub ring rows)

8 Archer pushups 

12 Air squats


For Time

100 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg

*Every break 20 total Split Jumps

100 Single-arm Clean and Jerks (total between both sides) 24/16kgs

*Every break do 10 Push-ups

100 Goblet Squats 24/16kgs

*Every break 5 Burpee Pullups

***Breaking means setting the bell down on the ground. You may rest as long as the bell is racked or held in a farmer carry. Racked does NOT mean placing the bottom of the bell on your shoulder, it must be racked how you would complete a kettlebell front squat as an example. 


This isn’t the most complex scheme. In fact, it is purposefully simple. The weight will largely determine the intensity. This may be considered lazy coaching, but with enough reps and enough weight, the implement can teach good lessons. The session is bookended with less technical movements so that the center piece will be the most complex of movements requiring good coordination. The kettlebell slapping the wrist is a self correcting problem… usually. I find that doing back to back days of KB C&Js will really help improve finesse with turning the bell over.

Sessions like these don’t require much equipment, but they do take quite a bit of commitment. Punishment for breaking can be used to gamify the session or to push the player beyond what he can do given normal constraints. We find that more often than not, a simple task and a clear intention are good enough for anyone. 




ESC : 030 Endurance + EMOM