8min Alt. EMOM
-10x cal Ski
-10x cal Row
+1 cal each round
3 sets
10 Pull-ups
For Time
500 Calories
Split between 2min Ski Erg & 2min Bike
*Every transition alternate between one max set of unbroken push-ups or one max set of unbroken pull-ups (sub Ring Rows as needed).
The basis for this is rooted in our recoverability track in the Capacity Manual. It is set specifically to work on clearing in the strength endurance channel. Set up a distance that requires close to Zone 2 (you could go much faster than this but it would miss training the attribute that you want, which is to come back from a hard effort intra-effort) I’m picking something between 30-45minutes. Pick two machines to split up attaining 500 calories, in between each transition, alternate between one max unbroken set of push-ups and pull-ups, or ring row. Try and keep the sets as consistent as possible while pushing into or close to failure. Use the machine to recover but try and hold as high of a pace as possible. If the sets dramatically tank, it was too fast of a pace. If they are always the same, you didn’t go hard enough.