ESC : 030 Endurance + EMOM


40-60min EMOM

Minute 1 - Machine Calories

Min 2 - Movement Reps

Min 3 - Machine Calories

Min 4 - Rest


Choose three different machines if you have access to them (Bike, Ski, Row, Etc), you can utilize running, bodyweight movements, or high rep/low skill loaded movements such as a dumbbell Snatch or Push Press. You will also choose the number of calories or repetitions that you do for each machine or movement. A good number is something that takes roughly 40 sec to complete at a moderate pace. The goal is NOT to kill yourself in this session, so choose your rep scheme wisely. You have the freedom to increase or decrease your repetitions IF needed but don’t use that as a fallback plan, aim to make the right choice the first time and see where the experience takes you. As you’ve seen a few times throughout Escape Velocity you have a time range for this session between 40-60minutes. If you hit 40 minutes and you feel good, keep going, if not and you’re unsure if you can keep going, terminate the remaining time. Either way, take note of what happened, where things went right or wrong (or both), and create awareness around your pace if it was too much or not enough, and so on. No matter how it goes, there’s something to learn here. 


ESC : 029 FYF
