
10min rotate through the following movements for quality:

40-sec Machine

8 Goblet Good Mornings

4 Stiff-leg Box jump

15-sec Star Plank/ each side


For Time


Calorie AirBike 

Walking Lunges (unweighted)

*Complete 15 Dual Kettlebell Clean and Jerks 20/16kg per hand between sets


Cash Out - 100 reps of burpee variations:

25x Burpees

25x Burpee Box Jumps 20”

25x Burpee Box Jumps 24”

25x Burpee Box Jumps 30”

Score = Total Time


When the clock begins, you will start on your 10-calorie effort, moving to the 10 total Walking Lunges immediately after. Once the set of 10 Walking Lunges is complete, you will do 15 Dual Kettlebell Clean and Jerks. You will follow this same format for the set of 20/20 up to the set of 50/50. After you’ve completed the round of 50s, you do NOT need to perform 15 KB Clean and Jerks, that portion of the session is over, and it’s time to move on to the 100 Burpees with increasing difficulty. Every 25 repetitions, the burpee difficulty increases slightly, as noted above. The clock stops when you’ve completed your 100th burpee.  


ESC : 022 Strength Endurance


ESC : 024 Endurance + Circuit