ESC : 024 Endurance + Circuit


20min Alternating EMOM

Minute 1 - Walk

Minute 2 - Jog

*All sets should be relatively at the same pace. 


20min of:

20 Machine calories

20 Russian Kettlebell Swings

20 Goblet Box Step-ups 20”

50m Suitcase Carry (switch arms halfway)

rest/walk 3-4 minutes

20min of:

20 Machine calories

20 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch

10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell Press

20 Weighted Reverse Lunges (hold weight however you’d like)


You have three 20-minute pieces to complete, an EMOM for the warm-up, and two AMRAPs for the ‘work.’ All pieces need to be done at a conversational pace so we can target the aerobic system without spikes in heart rate from trying to sprint at any point throughout the session. Continually move through each piece as written and rest 3-4 minutes between them. If possible, have all your equipment laid out before the EMOM so recovering between pieces is all you have to worry about. Since this is an Endurance session and we do not want to spike heart rates with sprinting at any point. Find a pace where you can maintain a conversation and stay there for the entirety of this session. Pay attention to what movements are more or less taxing than others and put in additional effort while maintaining a steady heart rate and back off your pace for movements that tend to blow you up. Find your balance within each piece. 


Esc : 023 FYF
