ESC : 022 Strength Endurance
100x Banded Pull A-parts
3 Rounds Not For Time (NFT)
15m Bear Crawl
10 Push-ups
*for the last round, add 15lbs Dumbbells to the Wall Walk and the Bear Crawl
15min AMRAP
0-5min - Max reps Seated Clean and Press 20/15lb DBs
*EMOM - 2x Burpee Pullups
rest 1min
6-10min - Max reps Hang Clean and Press 25/20lb DBs
*EMOM - 3x Burpee Box Jump 24/20”
rest 1min
11-15min - Max reps Clean and Jerk (touch the ground) - 30/25lb DBs
*EMOM - 5x Burpees
The warmup portion of this session is intended to pre-fatigue the working muscle groups utilized in the ‘work’ part of this session. All pieces in this section are not for time and should be completed with movement quality in mind and not rushing to get through it. This is especially important when working to maximize repetitions, where the habit or sensations often lead people to cut the range short. Our purpose in most strength endurance work is to be able to complete full range especially under high acidity. We find that people don’t so much as cheat the rep as the swelling sensations changes their feeling of what “full range” is.
For the ‘work’ piece, you will complete a 15min AMRAP with a burpee variation to be done every minute on the minute (EMOM) for the duration of the session. The workout will start with the Seated Dumbbell Cleans. You will perform as many reps of Seated DB Cleans as possible within the 5-minute window, completing 2 burpee pull-ups every minute on the minute. At the top of the 6-minute mark, you will move to Max repetition of a Hang Dumbbell Clean and Press with 3 Burpee Box Jumps completed on the minute. You will also increase your load by five pounds from 20’s to 25’s. After this 5-minute section is complete, you will finish the workout with max repetitions of a full dumbbell Power Cleans into Jerks, with 5 burpees completed on the minute, again increasing the dumbbell weight by five pounds to 30lbs dumbbells. When the 15-minute mark is reached, the workout is over.
This is a prime example of concurrent training. What you feel as a limitation can tell you where you are underdeveloped. Often, players don’t lack strength but an aerobic engine in which their strength and endurance can be expressed.