ESC : 007 Capacity + Intervals
3 Sets Javorek Complex Part I Javorek Complex Part II
7 Romanian deadlifts
7 High Pulls
7 Hang Power Cleans
7 Front Squats
7 Push Press
rest 1-2min
*You can use Dumbbells or a Barbell. The goal is to complete this “unbroken,” meaning you cannot set the weights down. There are 35 total reps per set, and remember, this is a warmup, so choose your weights accordingly. Build each set as tolerated.
30 seconds work
90 seconds rest
x 15 sets
We’ve often used this workout style in various formats over the years. For simplicities sake, you will have two options to choose from;
1. You can get slightly faster every set for the duration of the workout and try to increase by 1-2 meters each set. This helps increase accuracy in more advanced athletes.
2. You can maintain your pacing throughout. This helps newer players understand the importance of consistency.
If you do not know your engine or the machine well enough to maintain a high output pace, this is a great session to repeat and try variations of with different machines. There really isn’t a wrong way to do this session, but I would encourage you to set some perimeters to learn about your capacity, the paces you can hold, and how long you can hold them, etc.
For well-adapted athletes that weigh more than 165lbs, starting at 150m in 30sec and adding one meter each round is a good standard to be able to hit. For less than 165lbs, start at 140m.