ESC : 008 Strength Endurance + EMOM
3-4 sets
5 Dumbbell Strict Press + 100ft DB Overhead Carry + 5 Dumbbell Push Press
10 Strict Pull-ups (or modified ring row)
25m Suitcase Pinch Grip Plate Carry (per side)
rest 1min
Part 1
100x Dumbbell Bench Press at 50% bodyweight
*Every time you break completely;
8 Ring Rows - add 2 reps each time you come back to the Ring Rows
Part 2
30-minute EMOM
Min 1 - 16 Kettlebell Gorilla Rows (16 total reps; alternating arms as you go)
Min 2 - 3 Wall Walks
Min 3 - Max distance Farmers Walk (75% of body weight combined, if I weigh 200lbs I would carry 75Lbs in each hand)
Min 4 - 8 Kettlebell Headcutters 24/16kg
Min 5 - 20-second Supinated Dead Hang from Pullup bar (palms facing you)
Part 1 - When the clock starts, you will begin on your 100x dumbbell bench press at 50% of bodyweight combined between the two dumbbells. Every time you have to rest, you will complete 8 ring rows, adding two reps each time you return to them. The section ends when you’ve hit your 100th repetition of the bench press. You’re welcome to scale the weight up or down based on your proficiency with the movement, but if you can knock this out in two or three sets, then the weight isn’t heavy enough. You should be able to perform double-digit sets for most of the session. If you’re starting and cannot complete ten repetitions, then the weight may be too heavy, but as long as movement quality remains, I will accept too heavy over not heavy enough.
Part 2 - This section is an EMOM (every minute in the minute) with five different movements. When the clock starts, you’ll begin with DB Gorilla Rows, completing 16 total reps, then rest the remaining time of that minute before moving to Wall Walks at the top of the following minute. You will continue with this format for the remaining movements. Once you complete the 20-second hang, you’ll begin over at the first movement. You will repeat this cycle six total times. All weights can be adjusted to fit your abilities, but we ask that you push yourself as you go through this. It should feel challenging but doable.