ESC : 006 Endurance
12min EMOM
30-second Box step-ups + 30-second Box jump step-downs 20”
10/7 Calorie Machine
*do not rush through the step-ups and box jumps; focus on the take-off and landing positions during your jumps and find a good flow for the step-ups. Pace the machine work as needed to feel like you’re elevating your heart rate without destroying yourself for the work to come.
Calorie Machine
*400m Run between sets
The intention of this session is efficiency, not to win, so don’t race the clock. I recommend not even starting a clock or starting one you cannot see until the session is over, so you have a reference point but don’t fall into the trap of racing. You can also choose a bodyweight movement you’re efficient in, such as unweighted lunges, step-ups, or air squats in place of the machine work. Aim to choose a pace you believe you can maintain throughout the duration of the session and pay attention to if/when things fall apart to better gauge what paces you can maintain for a session of this length (60-90min). To reiterate, the purpose of this session is NOT to have the fastest possible time but to move efficiently through each piece while maintaining a choppy conversational pace. The work will accumulate quickly, so you may want to start slower than expected, especially for folks new to this training duration. The goal at the finish of aerobic development sessions is to be capable of doing much more of it if required. At the end of a session intentioned to increase my endurance, I usually ask myself if I could double the effort. If the answer is no, you have probably gone a little harder than you should have. But this is a learning process and we have all had to figure this out the hard way. Feel free to adjust the calories or distances to match your current ability. Or just set a timer for the duration you wish to work and end the sequence when the time is up
100 cal machine
400m run
90 cal machine
400m run
10 cal machine (work ends here, no 400m run after the 10 calories)