ESC : 005 FYF + Accumulation
3-4 Sets
30-second Air Bike (increasing pace each set)
20 Reverse Lunges unweighted
100ft Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
Rest 1min
For Time
3-30 Ladder ascending by 3’s (3, 6, 9,…30)
Air Bike calories
Front Rack Kettlebell Lunges 16/12kg per hand
Every 2min on the 2min complete - 1x Body over 48” box
*add 1x repetition every 2min until workout is complete.
When the timer starts, you will begin with 3 calories on the air bike and move to 3 total alternating lunges. Then back to the bike for 6 more calories followed by 6 total alternating lunges, following this format until you reach 30 calories on the air bike and 30 total alternating lunges. Every 2 minutes, you will stop wherever you are at in the ladder and complete 1x body over 48” box. Adding one repetition every two minutes, just like the death by burpee format from earlier in the week.
3 cals air bike
3 alt lunges (total reps, not per leg for all lunges)
6 cals air bike
6 alt lunges
9 cals air bike
9 alt lunges
30 cals air bike
30 alt lunges
At the 2:00 mark, you’ll complete 1x body over 48” box.
At the 4:00 mark, you’ll complete 2x body over 48” box.
At the 6:00 mark, you’ll complete 3x body over 48” box
etc.. adding 1x repetition every 2min until the workout is completed.