
There is something to be said about the reduction of moving parts. In the quest for the most horsepower, engine mechanics are continually concerned with reducing the number of points at which an engine can break. In the past it was thought that reducing the quantity of moving parts would increase durability but it turns out to be much more complex—it is a question of quality not quantity. The substance, its tolerance, and its weight all become relevant when creating a high-performing, cohesive unit. This is collectivism at its best—built on integrity. There is no concern over which parts perform the most important tasks and no hierarchy of bad to good. The point is to identify which parts are the most vulnerable, and to limit the weaknesses.

When thinking in terms of people as cohesive units, that old African proverb comes to mind—something about speed vs. distance and what company you keep—but this saying leaves out the tendency for people to be complacent, it assumes equal effort; it ignores human nature. Without question, when capable people join together for a collective purpose the horsepower can be greater than that of an individual. The outcome and the speed at which goals may be accomplished is unmatched but all it takes to thwart success is one vulnerability…

After careful consideration we must remodel the associations we hoped would be more productive. The Dissect Podcast, The Raze Zine, and the Nonprophet banner will no longer associate with the gym known as The Sect. Paul Roberts has built something remarkable, but as striking as the space is, it does not represent the standards and values that we talk about, teach and aspire to, and the relationship does not take us closer to our own objectives. 

We owe Paul our gratitude, without his actions we might not have found ourselves where we are today. We wish the best for him and his project, wherever they end up. If you have questions about The Sect, they can be reached through their website.

We are only as good as our vulnerabilities allow. The speed, arrogance, and tenacity that have fueled the Nonprophet project create the potential for detonation—we are still working to engineer the greatest possible engine. We appreciate those who have supported us thus far. We realize that keeping quiet in the past left those in the margins without answers. It isn’t our intent to repeat the past or to recreate it. Our attempt here is to allow those that pay attention a deeper look, and a better understanding of what it takes to produce what we do.

We do in fact produce. This takes fuel, it takes combustion, and the consequence is sometimes burning those we don’t intend to—sometimes even ourselves. And when that happens we note the weakness, fix the breach, and continue firing.


24-Hours Of Assault


“You are what you can’t stop doing.”