OLN : 004 Power

Power is one of those attributes of lore. You know it when you see it. The slight hover of a springy athlete when they jump that seems to break the laws of gravity and float for what appears to be an unbelievable suspension of reality. And yet, few of us know how to develop true athleticism. It starts easy and this is the hardest part. So many people try developing power by jumping—no pun intended—into maximal output. This will not end well unless you graduate appropriately into tolerating the extreme forces of eccentric loading and compound speed development. If you do this session and you feel fatigued or beat up, you have gone too hard. This session is for development, NOT expression. When I say “work up to a max distance” I mean within reason of your ability and tolerance. If you have never done power development training, or haven’t for many years, are recovering from an injury, or just don’t feel very body aware, think about “max” as 60-70% effort. You will thank me later. Most of the focus is preparing the feet for jump training, I recommend not wearing shoes because your feet slapping the ground are good indications for your tolerance. Shoes tend to numb this sensation, allow you to exert more force than you can tolerate, and as a side effect, ignore one of the most important aspects of power training: your feet.


5x 1min rebounding

30-sec rest between

CARs: 2 Rounds

3/3 Hips, 3/3 knees, 3/3 ankles

Pail/Rail Int. Rotation of hip and external./internal. rotation of knees, if you have an angled board or slant board you can pail and rail inversion eversion of the ankles as well.


Work up to a max distance knee jump + broad Jump. Use a marker to indicate when you cannot jump further. Start light and think of limiting yourself to 10 total jumps.


two to three sets of:

10-15 Bulgarian piston split squat with an emphasis on speed in the concentric.

Followed immediately by 5-10 rebound box jumps at 10-18 inches (start by dropping off the top of the box and focus on the reaction time and the limiting the contact time with the floor. Pull the set when you start to notice any kind of delay or sluggishness.


  • Start a timer.

  • Begin Rebounding for 1 minute

  • Rest 30 seconds once the minute concludes

  • Repeat 5 Times

  • Then begin your 1st round of CARs

  • Perform 3x Hip CARs on both the right and left side.

  • Perform 3x Knee CARs on both the right and left side.

  • Perform 3x Ankle CARs on both the right and left side.

  • Repeat all CARs one more time.

  • Next, PAIL and RAIL Internal Rotation of the Hip.

  • Then PAIL and RAIL External Rotation of the Knee.

  • Finish the PAIL and RAILs with Internal Rotation of the Knee.

  • Then begin the work portion.

  • Perform a Knee Jump, upon landing, go immediately into a Broad Jump.

  • Repeat this gradually increasing effort and resting between attempts as needed.

  • Limit yourself to a max of 10 attempts.

  • Finish with 2-3 rounds of the following: 10 to 15 each leg Bulgarian Piston Split squats with a faster up than down tempo and 5-10 rebounding box jumps.

  • Session complete.


OLN : 003 Capacity


OLN : 005 Dumpster Fire Friday