OLN : 003 Capacity

There are many ways to “feel” capacity work, and generally, no “right or wrong” way. This one is in a mid-distance and more grinding sensation than shorter variants. I like this format for new and intermediate players because the time isn’t really relevant, and the duration gives a few opportunities for introspection. The movements are not high-skill, so the risk of injury is very low and even less likely with a descending ladder. You will see this structure frequently in our program because we can gear precisely to a sensation that we want.


30-3 (30, 27, 24…3) Machine Cals in 3s Airbike, Rower, Ski Erg, etc. (Choose one machine)

20-2 (20, 18, 16…2) Wallball @ 14/20lbs in 2s

10-1 (10, 9, 8…1) Heavy D-ball or sandbag ground to shoulder


  • Set a timer to begin.

  • Start by acquiring 30 calories on your chosen Machine.

  • After you’ve reached 30 calories move to the Wallballs.

  • Perform 20x Wallballs.

  • Once finished with the 20x Wallballs move to the D-ball/sandbag Ground to Shoulder.

  • Perform 10x D-ball/Sandbag Ground to Shoulder.

  • Return to the same machine and perform 27 calories

  • Return to the wallball and perform 18x wallballs

  • Return to the D-ball/Sandbag Ground to Shoulder and perform 9x reps

  • Repeat the pattern of subtracting 3x calories from the Machine, 2x reps from the Wallball, and 1x rep from the D-ball/sandbag Ground to Shoulder each round. Minimize rest and optimize pace for the fastest finish time you can.

  • Your final round will conclude with 3x calories on the chosen machine, 2x Wallballs, and 1x D-ball/sandbag Ground to Shoulder.

  • Session complete.


OLN : 002 Mobility


OLN : 004 Power