042 : 017 Quest For The Hyper Trophy S7E2 (Copy)
As leg days go, consider making them legs day(s), as in, putting multiple stressful sessions together to send a signal. This one hits all the good spots. The primer was written by Sam and the icing was by me. We had a pretty long discussion after the first session about what we thought the “meat” was and it came back to keeping programming fairly simple. Most days you only need a few things to get the job done. The first day was formatted with our corrections and it shortened the session quite a bit, but now feels better. The second day, when I say “max effort”, I mean it. Rail on that airbike like your life depends on it. In most cases, it’s less than 10-seconds
Leg Day One
Dynamic Track work
10m of each:
-Alt kick + SLDL + lunge
-Dynamic Lunge
-Cossack Squat
-Broad jump
2 rounds through
2x5 Hip CARs
2x5 Pigeon Squat
2x5 (each leg) Reverse Squat
8-6-4 Bulgarian Split Squat
3-4 rounds
rest as needed
5min Wallsit, 10x air squat every break
Everything is pretty straightforward. The BSS you should start on your nondominant leg for 8 then switch back and forth between legs as reps go down. If you can wallsit for the entire 5 min, do so. If you have to break try and get back into the wallsit as fast as you can.
Leg Day Two
30sec of each
Rebound, Switch step, Step ups, Box jump
2 rounds
3x10 Squats, Lunges, SLDL
3x5 Weighted Hip CARs
Every 3 min for 15min
5/7 cal max effort Sprint
15x Goblet squats*
*add 3 reps each round
3x assisted Nordic curls on GHD
10m Sled Drag
3 rounds
The work portion is not to be done conservatively. Max effort means max effort. After the sprint, go right into the goblet squat and try your hardest to do them fast and unbroken.