042 : 016 Capacity (Copy)

Sometimes a session starts slowly, moving around and exploring what feels good and what doesn’t. this was a nice grindy session born out of everyone feeling burnt out and beat up. A good warm-up is often a chance to explore and make appropriate decisions. We found during the warmup that we were moving a bit slow, so we played with the You-Go-I-Go structure, it’s nice because they start in relatively small bites, and watching your partner breathing heavily is a funny incentive to push a bit harder…


4x ball over shoulder @ each available weight 


5x d-ball squats @ each available weight


4x d-ball lunges (2x each side) @ each available weight



YGIG (you go i go) 

1-10 ladder of the following d-ball complex:

1x clean to chest

3x squats

2x lunges (1x each side)

1x ball over shoulder


If you are doing this alone, just rest for whatever time it takes you to do the work. It is interesting however to note the difference between doing this alone with equal rest, doing it with someone, and doing it with someone who you feel competitive with. Structure is a wonderful tool for manipulating the feeling of a session and, through that, manipulating the message. 


042 : 017 Quest For The Hyper Trophy S7E2 (Copy)


042 : 015 Quest For The Hyper Trophy (Copy)