ESC : 033 Mobility + EMOM


3x10 of each

Scap pull-up

Hollow swing from bar

Hollow rock 

3x5 of each

Wall walk


Strict toes to bar


10x Shoulder CARs each side

10x Hip CARs each side

3 sets of standing hip flexion till failure

Rest as needed 


10min third world squat, every 20 seconds do 1x air squat, add one rep each minute


3x5 Loaded pigeon negative

Rest as needed


Player will open shoulders and hips with attentive CARs. They will then practice hip flexion internally rotated until failure. The player will focus on keeping the leg as high as possible for as long as possible. Moving in to the third world squat, the player will stay in that position for the entirety of the ten minutes except for every 20sec standing to perform 1x air squat. The player will add one squat every min so it looks like the first minute player does a total of 3 air squats the next minute a total of 6 air squats, and so on until the final minute they will do 30 air squats total. 

The loaded pigeon may be done on a bench if the player lacks proper mobility. They will use a light KB and get to the top of a pigeon and resist going down into a full pigeon stretch for a full 5-10 seconds. 


ESC : 032 Power


ESC : 034 Strength Endurance