ESC : 032 Power
5x 30/30 Rebounding/Switch steps
Work up to high knee to feet jump
Work up to high stiff leg box jump
Work up to high box tuck jump
3x5 shoulder, elbow, thoracic CARs
Part 1
Power Clean + Burpee over bar EMOM
Every Minute on the Minute complete;
1 Power Clean 75/65lbs + 4 Bar Facing Burpee over Bar
*add 10 TOTAL pounds to the bar each minute until you hit a heavy weight for the day or fail to complete the rep within the given minute.
Rest 5-minutes between Part 1&2
Part 2
Take 70% of the top weight successfully lifted in Part 1
Complete 30x Power cleans for time
+EMOM - 10x Jumping Air Squats
Part 1 of this session is known as “Olypiganza” a structure that we use frequently to prime for explosive power and aerobic efficiency. Each minute you will start with 1x power clean and then do 4 bar-facing burpees, adding weight to the bar each round until you no longer can. Change weights/rest in the remaining time before the top of the next minute. Keep plates nearby to make loading the bar easier and try to pick a weight you believe you’ll get to and see what happens.
*If you are not proficient at Power Cleans, you can complete this session with Deadlifts starting at 135/95lbs.
Part 2, you will complete 30 reps for time at 70% of the heaviest weight lifted in Part 1. While performing your 30 reps for time, you will have to complete 10 Jumping Air Squats every minute on the minute until your 30th rep is completed, and then the session is over. The jumping air squat must go below parallel, and your feet must leave the ground. If you deadlift in Part 1, use 70% of your heaviest deadlift in Part 2.