ESC : 018 Monostructural Capacity + Intervals
10-minute Running Clock for Quality
30-second Box Step-ups 20-24”
30-second Box Jump step-downs 20-24”
30-60 minutes of Work
1min ON
1min REST
*Every 10-minutes, increase the pace slightly
We’ll be the first to admit that mono-structural work can appear boring, but it’s a good way to start understanding your capacity. This piece can be done in various ways, and you’re welcome to play around with it over time, but for now, the goal will be to increase your pace SLIGHTLY every 10 minutes. Where you start and how you finish is up to you. If you reach a pace you can no longer maintain, terminate your session and reflect on your starting pace and how you can adjust it to go longer next time. The important part of this session is your attention to what you’re doing. Since there are no additional movements, you can focus solely on your pace and begin to create awareness around how you feel. Generally speaking, people don’t spend enough time sitting in discomfort, so they slow down at the onset. I encourage you to continually take inventory of how you’re feeling, your breathing, how high your heart rate may get, and how quickly (or not) it goes down. All these things give you information you can use to determine how a workout is going and how to adjust if needed.