ESC : 013 Capacity + Ladder
6 minutes
30-second machine
30-second rest
*build in pace as you go but not to a max effort.
**recommended you use the machine you’ll be performing the session with.
For Time
3-30 ascending by 3’s (3, 6, 9… 30)
Calorie Machine
Walking Lunges per leg (unweighted)
You will start with a 3-calorie effort on your chosen machine when the clock begins. After completing the 3 calories, you will then move to unweighted walking lunges, where you’ll perform 6 total reps (3 per leg alternating as you go, stepping forwards or backward is up to you). Then you will move back to your machine after your walking lunges to complete 6 calories. Again after completing the 6 calories, you’ll return to the walking lunges for 12 total repetitions (6 per leg alternating as you go). Follow this format ascending by 3’s until you hit 30 calories on your machine and 60 total walking lunges (30 per leg). This session totals 165 calories and 330 unweighted walking lunges.
It’s worth noting the relatively short warmup and, by all means, adding to it as needed. Given the lower rep scheme and numerous transitions to start this session, we generally use that as part of the warmup before settling into our pacing for the remainder of the workout.
A session like this can often fly by, and knowing how to pace fast bodyweight-based movements that compound fatigue is very useful in our curriculum. Fast times would be in the low 20min range. But these types of structures have many uses other than straight capacity. Tracking your results of repeated sessions can give you a good idea of baseline fitness.