ESC : 012 Endurance + Superset
10-minute Running Clock for Quality 30/30:
30-second box step-ups 20-24”
30-second box jump step-downs 20-24”
30min-60min AMRAP
40 Calorie Airbike
400m Run
This session is straightforward; we use it in various ways, from a warmup to a 6hr AMRAP for the Space Race and anything in between. Today's goal is to aim for a pace you can maintain for 60 minutes. However, there’s a built-in range you can fall into in which you can call it quits at any time. The intention behind giving you a time range for this workout is NOT so you can quit because you just don’t want to anymore. The point is to stop you from digging a hole you cannot recover from. We assume you don’t know how to pace yourself adequately for more extended sessions, so you must practice. If you have a critical drop-off at any point after the 30-minute mark, then you should end the session and take note of where you went wrong. A critical drop-off is when the pace(s) you originally intended to maintain is merely a dream at this point, and you’re considerably slower with no hopes of getting back to your original pace. Conversely, if you end the 60 minutes and feel like you could’ve gone a bit faster, that’s also important to note. And perhaps something to adjust the next time around.
Fast paces for the 60min version are between 13-15 total rounds. To give you an idea for pacing, these same players would do a moderate session like this and aim for 11-12 rounds which would be close to their 6hr space race pace.