ESC : 002 Strength Endurance + Ladder
10min alternating movements, choosing reps based on ability
1-3 Strict Pull-ups
7-10 Push-ups
12-15 Air Squats
Pick a rep structure you can move through relatively quickly for each movement. You can use bands for the pull-ups or substitute with ring rows(increase reps to 6-7). Push-ups can be scaled to a bench or elevated surface, allowing you to perform the reps efficiently. Don’t force depth on the air squats. Work with what you have, and elevate your heels slightly to improve the squat position.
Part 1
For Time
10-1 Ladder (10, 9, 8… 1)
Bench Press at “heavy.” Bodyweight is generally a good indicator of decent upper body strength but you may modify this. The first 10 reps should be challenging.
Ski or Row 7/5 calories (7 if you weigh more than 150lbs and 5 if you weigh less)
Part 2
5 Sets
12 Renegade rows (total repetitions/6 on each side)
10-meter Dumbbell weighted bear crawl
12 Devil Press
Suggested weight 2x 35/50lbs (35lbs for female and 50lbs for men, or scale appropriately for your ability)
Rest 2min
In part one, you will complete 55 total Bench Press repetitions at your bodyweight in a ladder format. Starting at a set of ten reps and working your way down to a set of one rep. Between sets, you will complete a machine effort of 7 calories for males and 5 calories for females. The preferred machines are a Ski Erg or Rower, but use what you can access. The bench sets should be completed unbroken, so use this as a gauge for rest between sets and the weight you choose to use. If the bench starts to fatigue and you are unable to keep your sets unbroken, try to make the least amount of breaks and keep the rest between as short as possible. Adjust rest between in order to stay unbroken.
10 Bench Press
7/5 cal Ski/Row
9 Bench Press
7/5 cal Ski/Row
1 Bench Press
(no machine work after the set of 1)
In part two, you will complete five sets in a superset format, moving from one exercise to the next with no formal rest between them. Use the same weights for all three movements, increasing the weight per set as needed. Ideally, you will build for each set, but if your movement quality becomes sloppy, stay where you’re at or slightly decrease the load for more efficient movement. You are NOT doing part 2 “for time,” so move with a purpose but do not try and race the clock.