ESC : 001 Capacity + Accumulation
8-minute easy aerobic (conversational pace) on a Machine of your choice.
4 Sets
10m Bear Crawl Forward
10m Bear Crawl Backward
10 Kettlebell Swings “light”
6 inchworm push-ups
rest :30
For Time
Death By Burpee
This session will be completed in an EMOM (every minute on the minute) format. At the start of the clock, you will do one burpee in the first minute, resting the remaining time of that minute. At the start of minute two, you will complete two burpees, resting the remaining time of that minute. You will follow this same structure adding one burpee per minute until you can no longer do the required repetitions of burpees in that minute.
For Example;
0:00-1:00 - 1 Burpee
1:00-2:00 - 2 Burpee
2:00-3:00 - 3 Burpee
This session is a good test to facilitate the “quit don’t quit” conversation. And it is also a great way to practice pacing. Counterintuitively, you don’t want to finish the burpees as fast as possible, with the intention of getting as much rest as possible in the remaining minute. Instead imagine a goal number, say 15 as an example. You want to be able to do 15 burpees within the minute it is required, which means one burpee every 4 seconds. So use that as a pacing structure for your burpee as you work your way up. You are engraining the pace as the intensity increases and recovery decreases. Doing 5 burpees should take 20-seconds and should feel pretty easy, doing 10 in 40 seconds might feel a bit more challenging.
The question will be this: when the hard minute hits will you do what is necessary in order to get a crack at the next minute? Will you work hard enough to buy yourself more discomfort? In the minute that you know you can’t complete the required reps, will you continue to see how much work I can get or will I just throw in the towel?
An average score for someone who is familiar with the movement and has generally good conditioning is around 15 reps or so. The best I’ve seen is finishing the round of 23.