We often hit on the themes of honest self-reflection or ruthless self-assessment. These are usually not positive—at least initially—and our discussions boil with realism, which sometimes overflows into pessimism (the curse of critical thinking). But there is a time to stop correcting human nature's ills, a time to pause and be thankful. We are unbelievably fortunate and grateful for the enormous support shown for our project.
Over the past few weeks, we have received a return of our labor in the most sincere form, and it has been overwhelming.
We often joke that paying us compliments or showering positive feedback is not useful, but this is not exactly true. Because of our recent endeavors, we have sifted through emails, comments, and messages which remind us that what we are working on, talking about, and producing is impacting people's lives. We do not take this lightly, although we often acknowledge it silently.
I, for one, have a hard time accepting gratitude, perhaps because it is a glaring reminder that I need to show more of it and that I am not worthy of what I do receive. I try to address this as often as I can because I am very fortunate.
No matter where this project goes, however it develops, it will be a highlight of my life to have been a part of it and to have been able to interact with the people that I have. Without support, this is not possible. Without others questioning our ideas, being critical, and helping us develop and refine our project, we would be lost.
So thank you. Sincerely.