Empty Cup

I often think we ruin our events by trying to explain them. For years we have been baffled by what occurs at a NonProphet symposium, but also not surprised. We gather and talk. We express, and we move around. We invite questions. We encourage analysis, critique, and destruction of bad ideas because we long for better ones.

Subjectively, these events—and everything we produce—are not about fitness, although fitness inherently affects everything and everyone. Not “fitness” as it has to do with abs or winning a game, but fitness as it pertains to the selection pressure of nature, and what it means to survive or live. Culture has indoctrinated us to pacify themselves to the grave hence these concepts are uncommon yet we aren’t the first to explore these spaces.

We didn’t intend to replicate the ancient Greek tradition of symposia but we still cycled into a practice that is both helpful and necessary. Recurring themes appear throughout western civilizations, and we believe these are more than just a reaction to the pressures of society. In the ancient tradition, symposia was a sacred event. Partaking meant any and all consumption of music and intoxicants, but mostly, it was conversation. Attendees aired grievances, questioned human urges, and spoke to the assumption that power is righteous because it has power. Similarly, the themes expressed within our space are common fears and anxious riddles that aren’t welcome at your average social function, and we accept them because they aid social function.

Someone might say they feel compelled to share because it is a “safe space.” I would argue that the reason many attendees share their most vulnerable and sensitive interactions is that it isn’t a safe space. Safety—or the presumption of safety—implies a lack of danger related to loss of attention. A deficit of attention always puts us at risk but at our symposiums we find that attention is high, and because we foster respect for awareness and self-knowledge, our conversations often go where people might not go on their own.

'Dialogos' is a live conversational exploration between two or more people. There are many different forms, but loosely defined, it is a conversation that goes somewhere new, from which all parties discover conclusions or destinations they otherwise wouldn't reach on their own. This is the intention of our gatherings. We aren’t here to “teach” you our methods or preach about what has worked for us. We are here to travel alongside those who are willing, and to explore using words and sentiments not commonly shared today. And while there may or may not be drink or music, this is a place where you may fill your cup.


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