These workouts are a staple of our practice. They have been used, developed, and tested—in some cases— for up to two decades. They are good indicators of certain desirable aspects, they are easy to customize, or they are just unusually cruel workouts.
Dante’s Triathlon
Player 1 Rows 250m
Player 2 Holds 2x24kg KBs in a rack position
Player 2 Rows 250m
Player 1 Holds 2x24kg KBs in a rack position
3 rounds for time
60min AMRAP
40cal Assault Bike
400m run
2-hour AMRAP
Assault bike cals
Ski erg cals
Row erg cals
The score is total cals
60-minute AMRAP
Assault Bike cals
Ski erg cals
*after 50 cals, start over at 10
Dante’s Triathlon 2.0
30-minute AMRAP
3, 6, 9, 12, 15…
Assault Bike cals
Power Clean @155/225lbs from minute 1-5 @125/185lbs from minute 5-15 @ 95/135lbs from minute 15-30
rep scheme stays the same after weight changes
Score is the average reps/minute at the end of 30min
Capacity Test #1
30-minute AMRAP
3, 6, 9, 12, 15…
Assault Bike cals
Power Clean @ 95/135lbs from minute 1-15 @125/185lbs from minute 15-25 @155/225lbs from minute 25-30
rep scheme stays the same after weight changes
Score is the average reps/minute at the end of 30min
Compare differences between test #1 and test #2. Discrepancies in strength or strength endurance are the common culprit but an aerobic base and endurance capability are the usual fix.
Capacity Test #2
Row 500m @ 2:00/500 pace
Rest 2min (during the “rest,” the player must complete 5x push-ups)
Row 500m @ 1:58/500m pace
Rest 2min (during the “rest,” the player must complete 10x push-ups)
Row 500m @ 1:56/500m pace
Rest 2min (during the “rest,” the player must complete 15x push-ups)
So on and so forth increasing the pace by 2-seconds per 500m and adding 5x push-ups, until the player can no longer complete the push-ups in the 2min period or hit the required pace on the row.
Row, Row… Push
Olymiganza V2
Starting with an empty bar, do 1x Power Clean or Power Snatch followed by 4 bar facing burpees EMOM. Add 5-10lbs every round until failure.
Variations of this might include cardiovascular exercises or loaded movements that are relevant to your practice. This is often used as a soft test to find what the [player is capable of on the day because it can be started “cold.”
“Cops doesn’t start till 4”
For Time:
10-1 (10, 9, 8…1) Burpee
1-10 (1, 2, 3…10) Body Over Box @ 48”
1- Ski Cals*
2- Row Cals*
3-Bike Cals*
4- Rest
*add 1 calorie each round until you can no longer complete the calories required
Score is total calories
The Challenger
300FY or max calories on an airbike in 10min
directly into a death By Burpee
Your Score is calories plus total reps complete
300FM (fuck me)
For time:
Your body weight in calories on an air bike
Death By Burpee + Box Step up and Over
Strength Total #2
With each movement, you have 7min to hit a maximum weight. Your score is the total weight lifted.
Front Squat (barbell)
Ground to Overhead (barbell)
Turkish Get-up (KB or DB) Must be performed on each side to count.
Strength Under Duress
The Player has 20min to hit a max Overhead squat but must buy in with this first:
8 rounds of
10x Handstand Push up
15x Wall Ball
35x Double under*
*must be unbroken
This is an answer to the “300 workout” confusion, which caused a frenzy of substitutions and proverbial dick measuring. In contrast, 300fy is simple. You either score 300 calories in 10min on an AD4 airdyne or… Fuck You. Schwinn AD4s are rare—or nonexistent—so the equivalent for an Assault bike or Echo bike is your bodyweight in calories in 10min.
Developed by Pat O’Shea, IWTs are a way to tax multiple systems. They classically involve a wide range of movements and require developed skills. Here is our take on them:
3 rounds of:
10x Power Snatch @ 70% of 1RM
2min Burpee over the bar
2min Rest
Rest 5min
3 Rounds of:
10x OHS @ 70% of 1RM
2min Assault bike for cals
2min Rest
Rest 5min
3 Rounds of:
KB Complex @ 16/24kg
10x KB Swing
10x KB Clean & Press
10x KB Bottoms up press
10x KB Snatch
2min Rest between