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training like you’ve never imagined

Use The Space Program to break free of routine. Organize training based on curiosity and how you feel on the day. Explore concepts, learn from world class coaches, and develop the most robust fitness of your life for the rest of your life.

Our “Program” explores progressive ideas, it balances the need for strength, endurance, and capacity. It addresses mobility and longevity and all while keeping the training “fun” and challenging.

A balanced approach to functional fitness

Detailed exercise demonstrations

Thorough session explanations

disdain for the fitness industry


World Renown Coaches

Solutions for Minimal gear

Over 1900 creative sessions

Comprehensive Instructionals

Movement Demos

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What people saying about the space program

“This has been an interesting process.

It's been fun and challenging to do new things in new ways. It's been both just exercise at times and a means to seek deeper within, in other moments. I know myself a little bit better now. I am closer to the human I’m working to become, even if by just a few steps forward. 

You guys don't want to create automatons, you want to create capable humans both in terms of thought and physical prowess. You don't need someone who just wants to follow a program, you need people who can ultimately contribute to the solution. I was forced to confront myself in new, scary, and exciting ways and again this has brought me a few steps closer to the human I am capable of being.

The ripple effect of physical training has begun to leak over into my daily life. I choose to be a bigger influence on those around me to drown out their poor behaviors. I realized that training is just practice for life. If I attack life with the same intensity, consistency, and creativity as I perform many days through physicality and introspection.. what the fuck can't be accomplished?”

-Tim H

“An excellent program if you are curious about human capacity and expressing yourself through physical capability. The program is well structured and explained and has all the resources you need to figure out what you need to do for yourself/explore. The app is excellent. I’ve personally been able to explore expanding my aerobic base and capacity and have seen and felt a difference in not only how I perform, but how I listen to my body and respond on the day.”


“It should be called Space Enlightenment vs Space Program because at the end of the day, I’ve learned more about myself in the 2 years I’ve been with the SP. If you’re looking for a lemming adherence to a specific doctrine, go buy a block program from your favorite iNfLueNcEr. If you’re looking for something to develop yourself (both mind and body), along with more important developing agency for yourself, then the SP may be your jam.


10/10 :) Thank you for AMAZING sessions and keep up the good work! Greetings from Finland
— Olga