the Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to increase the likelihood that we have meaningful experiences at our symposiums. We are looking for specific qualities in individuals that will challenge us and others to think differently or express something that we can’t or haven’t yet.
For our October symposium, we are offering 2 spots. For those awarded scholarships, we will cover the cost of attendance, winners will still have to cover their travel and accommodations.
We are looking for ideas, opinions, and expressions on the definition of “Training.” This should NOT be a piece that is produced in order to appeal to us, but rather to help us understand a subject better and to explore your line of reasoning.
We require that this be in written, recorded audio, or visual format. The piece should be limited to 1000 words, or 5 minutes of audio or video content maximum, and should express the inherent differences, similarities, or disparities in the current understanding of what it is to “train.”
All submissions are due by September 30th, 2022. Applicants are not entitled to notification of award or dismissal. Submissions must be sent to Subject: Symposium Scholarship.