OLN : 006 Shakeout/Recovery

The difference between a shakeout and a true capacity session is the intent. A shakeout is acknowledging that you are not certain that you can send the right signal, a capacity session is sending it from the beginning. A shakeout very often becomes a capacity session because you remove the stress of having to perform and you feel your way into it. I do not like, however, going the other way around. Starting out hard and then backing off, sets a bad habit and rewards quitting or excuses it.

I like these formats after big days, assuming you completed the DFF yesterday because often, we do not know what we are capable of on the day until we start moving around, and we just have habits of taking rest days when in reality, our body might be more than willing.


1-10 ( 10, 20, 30… 100m) 10m shuttle run

30-sec rebound between each


3x10m of each:

Lunge + Alt. Kick Single Leg Deadlift

Bear Crawl

Duck Walk

Frog Hop

3x3 Hip and Knee CARs


1-10 2xKB Clean and Press

after each set do:

15x Calorie machine

10x Burpee Over Box


200m Piston Carry


  • Start a timer.

  • Begin Warm.

  • Perform one 10-meter shuttle run, a shuttle run being one 10m length.

  • Rebound for 0:30 seconds.

  • Perform two 10-meter shuttle runs

  • Rebound 0:30 seconds.

  • Repeat this pattern until you finish with ten, 10-meter shuttle runs followed by a final 0:30 second rebound.

  • Now begin the second phase of the warm-up.

  • For 10 meters, alternate sides and perform a lunge, followed by a High Kick with the opposite leg you Lunged with, into a Single-leg Deadlift with the leg you first Lunged with. Repeat this sequence for 10-meters.

  • Bear Crawl for 10 meters.

  • Duck walk for 10 meters.

  • Frog Hop for 10 meters

  • Perform 3 Hip CARs are each leg.

  • Repeat the second phase 2 more times, for a total of 3 rounds.

  • Reset the timer and begin the WORK.

  • Start by performing 1x Kettlebell Clean and Press

  • Now perform 15x calories on a machine of choice. (you will use this machine the whole time)

  • Now perform 10x Burpees Over Box.

  • Now perform 2x Kettlebell Clean and Press

  • Then do the 15x Cals and 10 Burpees Over Box.

  • Repeat this trend, adding 1 rep to the Kettlebell Clean and Press, and doing the Cals and Burpees Over Box after each set of Clean and Presses.

  • Once you have finished your last round of 10x Kettlebell Clean and Presses followed by your final 15 Cal machine, and 10x Burpees Over Box, begin cash out.

  • With 1x Kettlebell in the front rack position, and the other in an Overhead position, accumulate 200m of distance while maintaining the two kettlebells in their positions. Switch which arm is in what position at your own discretion.

  • Session Complete.


TMB: 29:54


OLN : 005 Dumpster Fire Friday