OLN : 001 Strength Endurance
Many people think of strength endurance work (hypertrophy) as a Bro-session. This often turns training into social a hour and not a physically beneficial one. It’s helpful to remember that Strength Endurance is adapting and developing resilience. The way we define Strength Endurance is based on the personal limitation and individual expression, in this case, an inability to continue submaximal contraction rates. That “pump” is actually a build-up and inability to process by-product from effort. Don’t let the “for time” fool you into thinking this is some sort of cardiovascular Metcon, the time will tick away but you will be unable to do more than a push-up or two at a time, and the resilience is trained because you keep making a conscious effort to try.
For Time
30x Bench Press @ 135/95
20x Push-ups
15x Cal Ski
30x Bench Press @ 115/75
20x Push-ups
15x Cal Ski
30x Bench Press @ 95/55
20x Push-ups
15x Cal Ski
Start a timer.
Begin with 30 reps of barbell bench press, complete as big of a set as possible, resting as little as possible. With each rep, start with the bar locked out, bring it down to your chest, and then press to a complete lockout.
Once you have finished the bench press go immediately to the 20 push-ups. Work through them as quickly as possible whilst keeping a proper, full range of motion (chest touches the floor at the bottom, maintain a strict plank, and lock out the arms at the top) and minimizing rest.
After the Push ups, Ski-Erg 15 calories (or a machine of your choice) as quickly as possible.
Immediately return to the Bench Press, remove 10lbs from each side, and complete another 30 reps as quickly as possible.
Immediately return to the push-ups completing another 20 reps as quickly as possible.
Immediately return to the Ski-Erg and Ski another 15 calories as quickly as possible.
Remove another 10lbs from each side of the bench press.
Complete 30 reps of Bench as quickly as possible for the final time.
Complete 20 Push-ups as quickly as possible for the final time.
Complete the 15 Cal Ski-Erg as quickly as possible for the finale time.
Session Complete.
Take note of the time, but more importantly, review your strategy for dosing the reps and consider ways that you could have improved.
Shawn: 9’39”
TMB: 9’59”
D Dawg: 8’59”