Instructions for Eccentric Quasi-isometric) EQI

Eccentric Quasi-Isometric (EQI) training is a resistance training method that combines eccentric and isometric muscle actions. It involves holding a submaximal isometric contraction until fatigue leads to muscle lengthening, followed by resisting the lengthening through a range of motion. This technique is beneficial for muscle hypertrophy, endurance, and joint health due to prolonged time under tension and low peak torque. EQI is practical for various populations, including those in rehabilitation, as it uses lower loads and slower movements, reducing injury risk. It is a great technique for increasing strength and resilience in ranges that are not normally exposed to high contraction rates.

How to:

To perform an EQI shoulder press, follow these steps:

  1. Setup: Sit on a bench or stand. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in one arm using the other for balance.

  2. Eccentric Phase: Press the weight overhead. Focus on a fixed body position, ensuring the spine holds its shape during the entirety of the movement. “Break” at the elbow and allow the load to shift from the skeletal structure to the musculature. 

  3. Isometric Hold: once the weight starts to descend, make a concerted effort to isometrically contract it at each position. The goal is to NOT allow the muscle to lengthen.

  4. Timing: The goal is to make the effort last as long as possible. Load appropriately for these outcomes:

  • Strength 6-12 seconds

  • Strength-endurance 30-90 seconds

    5. Repeat: Repeating is not normally necessary. This designation of an effort is intended to be done till failure and therefore repeated bouts are for learning to apply it to new movements or if you feel like you could perform better.


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