042 : 028 FYF (Copy)

The first FYF I did at the space had a similar format to this. It’s where my head went when Michael asked me to write the workout mid-hack circle. My family is in town visiting so I figured it fitting that their first FYF has some commonality to my first time participating. While also having some familiar elements so as not to feel lost. Working with your partner through relatively short bouts of intensity. Speed gets rewarded with rest, and communication goes a long way.


In teams of 2 with a running clock*


6 Rounds

20x Lunge wallball (total)

20x DB Snatches (total)


150cal Bike Erg

Start a death by of Body over box for each transition



3, 6, 9, 12…continue in 3s Ski Erg Calories

*The entire session will have a required 3x Burpee EMOM by one of the team members.


The 2 player team will work through each 10:00-minute section. In the first section, all burden is shared with one partner working at a time. In the second section, one partner bikes at a time, switching with each other at their own discretion until 150 total calories are reached, however every time you switch the player leaving the bike performs a body over bar or box, adding one rep to themselves each switch. For the 3rd and final section, your goal is to get as high up in the ladder as you can with your partner in the 10:00 window. You cannot switch in the middle of a number. If player 1 is on the 3 calories, he must do all 3, and player 2 must do all 6 calories before switching back to player 1, and so on. 

Throughout the entirety of this workout every minute, one partner must do 3 burpees. It does not need to be the same partner every time.


042 : 027 Leg Day (Copy)