042 : 025 Capacity + Max Effort (Copy)

I have a close-knit group of guys who have all been training very “smart” as of late. Intelligent. Measured. Deliberate. So to celebrate a long weekend off work and social obligations I wanted to get a little dumb. If you have been training more hard than smart then this session may not be anything new, but if you train alone a lot, or have been keeping it “clever” in the gym – this may be a nice one to let loose on. 

Ramp up

Death by ball slam 1-15 ladder


1 minute max effort of each


D-ball squat (goblet squats work too)




Fan bike 

Each max effort should be executed by one person at a time with everyone else involved in the session watching/counting/cheering/jeering. Rest should be 7-10 minutes between each effort. Shit-talking, wagering, and bravado are encouraged. If possible take turns with who goes first and sets the number to beat. 


This is fine to do alone, but will probably be a different experience – as much as we like to think we work just as hard regardless of the situation, there is something about having people whose opinion you care about standing behind you and watching. The aftermath of this session was a surprise to some – just 6 minutes of real work over the course of an hour and everyone had to hang out for another half hour after they were done just trying to feel ok enough to drive. This is absolutely not how I would train everyday, but it had been a long time since we just le


042 : 026 Functional Bodybuilding 3 (Copy)


042 : 024 The Quest S8E3 (shoulders) (Copy)