042 : 020 Back day (Copy)


3 sets

15 Banded Scap CARs

3 Thoracic CARs

15 Banded Pull Aparts



Pull-ups or Ring Rows

Dips or Bench Dips

7x Ski Erg or Row Strokes (Hard Effort)


3-4 Drop sets

Supinated Barbell Rows




1-3 sets

10 Elevated Plank Rows per side

10 Ab Wheel rollouts

20 Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns


The warmup intention is to open up the thoracic spine and scaps so that you can find more range of motions throughout the workout, especially if you have a tight upper back. So, take your time moving through the warmup and focus on getting as much movement out of your scaps as possible. 

The workout begins with a descending ladder from 10 down to 1 of pullups and dips paired with an erg (ski or row) to pump extra blood into the working areas. If you have pullups but aren't sure you can do the ladder as intended, stick to 4-6 pullups each round or perform ring rows. If standard dips are too challenging to complete the ladder, perform bench dips, making sure your shoulders stay upright in the descent so they don't round forward. For the erg, you will achieve a total of 7 strokes as powerfully as you can, either on the row or ski (ski preferred). 

Supinated barbell bent over row is performed with an underhanded grip (palms up) pulling the bar into your waist or slightly higher with your torso almost parallel to the floor. The first drop set of each set should start with 12 repetitions, then you'll remove weight and do as many reps as possible, remove weight one more time, and complete as many reps as possible, which equals one set. 

Complete the finisher as needed between one to three sets, as determined by how you feel. For the Elevated Plank Row, your forehead should be in line with or slightly behind the forearm resting on the box or bench, moving your head forward over your forearm if you need to scale this movement. Ab wheels should be performed with a protracted thoracic spine to eliminate your lats from doing the work and keep the movement in your core. For the straight-arm lat pulldowns, really focus on the lat moving either the cable machine or a band without allowing your shoulders to travel upwards, getting your traps too involved.  


042 : 021 FYF (Copy)


042 : 019 Functional Bodybuilding 2 (Copy)